
Truffle Hunting June 2018- September 2024

“Here at Truffle Treasures Kovu enjoyed his first day out on a producing truffle farm. After a progressive series of scent detection training orchestrated by his human (Simone), he excelled in a ‘training’ environment!

How would he go hunting for truffles in a real truffiere? It did not too take long to find out! Kovu took to the real deal like a fish to water and has provided valuable assistance in pin-pointing our prized black gold.

Congratulations Kovu on earning your stripes as a truffle scent detective dog”

– The Team At Truffle Treasures, Victoria.

Truffle Hunting 28th July 2018

“After 8 years of waiting we thought we should start to look for the possibilities of finding truffles under our 500 truffle impregnated English oaks. Did we have truffles or were we going to be left with 500 unproductive beautiful trees?

The time had come to find out so we contacted Simone who arrived with her beautiful Belgian Shepard, Kovu.

On a beautiful winters day we set off up the paddock. Immediately Kovu set to work and goodness me! Did he work! Up and down the rows and zig-zagging across; looking up at Simone to indicate a possible truffle! And the result????? Lots of truffles (2 kilograms worth) and the possibility (according to Kovu’s nose) of more to come.

Delighted? We were over the moon! Well done Kovu! And well done Simone.

A wonderful experience and not only were you a pleasure to have with us Simone, but to bring all the equipment you needed for the hunt; advice on cleaning and preparing the truffle for eating and also the advice on looking after the paddock was invaluable.

10 out of 10 to you both.

We really look forward to seeing you again very soon”

– Zoe and John Kurtz, Rochford, Victoria

Truffle Hunting 4th- 5th August 2018 – 2023

“Kovu and Simone came to our farm and found the very first truffles from our 6 year old trees. They were a delight to watch work and very successful”

-Scott Giltrap, Mitta Mitta Valley, Victoria

Truffle Hunting 14th August 2020/2021

“We planted our inoculated trees in 2009 and had a few dogs go over but no luck. In late winter 2019, Simone brought Kovu out for a run to see what he could locate. They worked well together and Kovu got excited at a couple of locations. We marked these trees of interest. Then last winter when walking through the trees, I noticed a raised cracked mound under a tree next to where Kovu had indicated. With fingers and a pocket knife we uncovered two nice truffles. Our first. Kovu was on the money. We look forward to his visits again next winter”

-Gerard and Jan, Malmsbury

Truffle Hunting 1st August 2021-2024

“Simone and Kovu (Simone’s most beautiful and good natured truffle hunting dog) arrived punctually at the agreed time.

We have never previously had Simone or her canine at our property, but they promptly unpacked from the car and we got to work!

Off they went, putting Kovu’s olfactory truffle scanner to immediate use. Clearly the bond between the pair is deep and there’s evident warm mutual respect.

Kovu sniffs around trotting up one side of a row of oaks and back on the other side with Simone briskly pacing behind and closely guiding Kovu. When he’s onto something he indicates in some subtle nuanced body language which gives Simone a pretty good idea of what she might find. Simone then gets down on her knees and sniffs the ground and starts digging. No mucking around!…if she does not detect hot truffle scent, she covers over her diggings and moves on.

Kovu is rewarded with a throw of his ball, and is ready to get back to work when Simone’s done with her digging business.

And indeed our first truffle was discovered with enormous thrill and excitement!

These two have a terrific working understanding and they both synergise wonderfully.

Simone is both proficient and so easy to interact with, making the whole hunt a positive and relaxed event.

We’re looking forward to next year’s hunt and hoping Simone will be able to extricate herself from her newborn for a couple of hours and Kovu will sniff out more black nuggets!

Thanks so much Simone and best wishes in the months ahead to you and your expanding family! You are an integral part of the Victorian truffle family and have enabled us to be as well!”

-Peter and Nya, Mount Prospect.

Truffle Hunting 27th August 2021- 2024

“Simone and her wonderful dog Kovu worked for the first time at my property this season. They conducted three hunts over three different weekends and were always a delight to work with. Simone is puntual and all set up ready to go when they arrive.

This has been my first season of finding any meaningful amount of truffles and that is in no small part to do with Simone and Kovu. They have a wonderful working bond and are both diligent and focussed while working.

My truffiere is in Central Victoria and the ground can be rocky and difficult in patches but Kovu and Simone didn’t miss a beat.

I can heartily recommend Simone and Kovu to anyone who wants a professional but easy going team to assist with a truffle hunt.”

-Kevin Moore, Truffles of Toolleen

Truffle Dog Training 1st September 2021-2024

“Simone and Kovu have gone above and beyond with their work for helping us train our dog and search our Truffiere. We highly recommend their services. Simone’s knowledge on dog Training is invaluable. Thank you, from Kristy Chehab”

-Kristy Chehab, Double Oaks Estate.

Truffle Dog Training 6th June 2022

“Simone, I found you to be an excellent trainer with a calm and thoughtful approach. Your methods appear to be constructed from solid, evidence based, scent training methods. With an appropriate dog and a committed owner, I have no doubt that you could assist them to reliably and consistently find truffles. Using your methods, along with others, I have no doubt my dog, Gus, will be a fantastic truffle dog”

-Kevin Moore, Truffles of Toolleen

Truffle Dog Training 8th July 2023

“Simone created a custom truffle hunting training course to suit my specific needs. She was very knowledgeable, friendly and an excellent communicator. I really appreciated that our time was tailored to what I wanted to focus on learning. The practical was a very productive session and I learnt a lot more than expected!”

-Rachel, King and Co Detection

Truffle Hunting and Truffle Dog Training 31st July 2021- 2023

“Simone and Kovu were a great asset to Truffle Valley truffle hunters, both human and canine! Simone was a great source of knowledge about dog training, truffle harvesting and the movement of scent molecules in different weather conditions and more. This knowledge has been invaluable as our young orchard enters its truffle production phase.

Kovu was a great role model when truffle hunting in our young orchard; he inspired confidence when testing and training our own dogs. Thank you for all your assistance in getting Tessa and Rita to an advanced level of truffle hunting.”

-Joan Perrone, Truffle Valley

Truffle Hunting (2023-2024) and Truffle Dog Training (August 2023)

Simone and her dog Kovu are by far the best team we have used for our truffle hunts. They are both passionate and dedicated truffle hunters. Simone is a joy to work with. She has an extensive knowledge of truffle hunting and Kovu is a beautifully natured, calm and diligent working dog.

Simone is also an excellent dog trainer (and dog owner!), teaching me how to improve my reading of my dog’s signals and how to develop my dog’s ability, using a comprehensive and well designed training program.

-Rebecca, Wongarra Farm Truffles

Truffle Dog Training April 2024

"I began training Bert in truffle scent work when he was a very young puppy. I was just following my nose, until we recently did a weekend intensive with Simone. Her impressive knowledge, and ability to communicate and to teach was inspirational. Simone taught us step by step through theory and practice. Watching her handle Bert and her own truffle dogs and then practising ourselves under her guidance gave us new skills and confidence to head into the truffle season. Since then, Simone is providing valuable support and feedback as we work with Bert in the truffiere. Her skill in truffle dog training and her knowledge of the truffle industry has really helped ignite my own interest. Thanks Simone, you're a legend!"

-Kim, Araluen Truffles